Welcome / by Paul Peavler

Welcome to my site! This is just getting started, so it's pretty bare right now. I hope to be adding more to the site over the next few weeks and months, in addition to content.

This website was created as a response to the current mainstream media form of political coverage, which often takes the style of gossip or sports media. The focus is often on beltway news and the political horseraces of DC, rather than on the issues. As an engineer by trade, and a journalist by dream, I believe in getting to the core of the issue - journalism should be the search for truth, not the search for controversy. Even when mainstream media attempts to take an "unbiased" approach, they often interpret that to mean "presenting both sides of the argument (Republican vs Democrat)." That may be unbiased and neutral, but it is not objective.

The goal of this site is to treat issues objectively, based on the merits of the arguments, and cut through the political rhetoric and propaganda. In order for democracy to work, the electorate must be active and informed, and I hope to provide the latter within these pages. In the future, I hope to go further than just analysis of issues and problems, and investigate various solutions and which are supported by the data.

So thanks for reading, and I hope you look forward to more content in the future. Given that this is a part time endeavor in addition to my full time job, I can't guarantee a constant stream of content, but I hope to upload a story every week or two. Some will naturally contain more data than others, and some posts may not feature any statistics or charts, but overall, the goal will be the same - the search for objective truth.